A 300 plus person division of a printing and manufacturing company had no sales strategy to address the major changes occurring in its market. If they continued on this same course they would be virtually out of business in a couple of years.
Growth Strategy Partners pulled together a senior leadership team to address the threat to their business. As in strategic planning, we analyzed market segments, identified the method of competition for their business and identified specific strategies and tactics to turn around the market decline. The division focused their attention on the largest growth opportunities, reorganized the field sales force, customer service and telephone sales by clarifying roles and responsibilities resulting in more time in the field for sales representatives.
A large area of focus was with the Regional Sales Managers. We provided these Managers with a customized sales management course to drive home the macro sales strategy along with identifying specifically what they should be doing to increase revenues. After only a short period of time, each sales region is showing improvement with one region 17% ahead of last year.
“I may just have seen Nancy at her best! What was shared by Nancy and the manner she shared it was exceptional. Nancy had the managers willingly engaged and eager to learn.”
David McConnell, VP Sales, Ames Safety Envelope
“The workshop was fantastic! It singularly was the most comprehensive and reinforcing continuing education that I have received during my time with AMES.”
Karen Jones, Regional Manager